
How to get a second interview in the adjustment of UESTC

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How to get a second interview in the adjustment of UESTC

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has always been one of the famous engineering universities in China, so every year a large number of high school students worry about being able to enter this school. Many students try to apply for the University of Electronic Science and Technology and make adjustments in order to obtain better admission results. However, if the students fail to pass the preliminary review during the adjustment, they will not be able to get the chance to take a second interview. Therefore, they need to pay attention to several points to improve their success rate.

1、 Pay attention to enrollment information

In order to successfully adjust, the primary task is to pay attention to the enrollment information. The school will regularly release the admission card number and the enrollment plan information of the department, and students can view it through the enrollment website or the official WeChat official account. The purpose of paying attention to these information is to understand the enrollment situation of the target department and choose the most suitable adjustment direction.

2、 Choose the right major

The most important thing in the adjustment is to choose the right major. If your grades are not ideal enough and need to be adjusted, it is recommended to choose a major that is relatively unpopular in the undergraduate course but conforms to your own interests and expertise. This can not only avoid the competition of other mediators, but also obtain better learning preparation and learning environment, and devote yourself to the major.

3、 Improve interview level

After obtaining the opportunity to adjust the target major, students need to pass the second interview to finally obtain the admission qualification. Therefore, interview skills are particularly important. During the preparation for the second round exam, students should pay attention to strengthening their language expression ability and state their views in an orderly manner. During the interview, we should create a positive atmosphere, always maintain self-confidence and composure, and fully prepare our answers to impress the interviewer.

4、 Correctly understand the form and standard of retest

Each school has different forms and standards of reexamination, so it is necessary to know the contents of the reexamination of the target department in advance. It includes the contents and links of the reexamination, for example, there may be a written examination link, or even a group discussion, oral defense and other links. On the basis of understanding the examination form, strengthen the practice of relevant aspects in combination with your own situation to improve the success rate of the second interview.

5、 Pay attention to the admission of freshmen majoring in Electronics

When considering the adjustment of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, many students tend to focus only on the major to be adjusted, ignoring the major originally applied for. However, if the examinee finally gets into the major that is not successful in his undergraduate program, he may cross the teaching plan with the target major. Therefore, learning about admission strategies can help students understand the possibility of adjustment results.

6、 Believe in yourself and keep calm

In the whole process of adjustment, the mentality is very important. In the face of various uncertain and unpredictable situations, you need to maintain a good attitude, firm belief, bravely meet challenges, and believe that you can achieve the ideal result of adjustment. Regardless of success or failure, we should actively deal with the adjustment experience, so that we can become more outstanding in our future study and work life.


University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is an excellent comprehensive vocational school. Many high school students work hard to enter the school, and adjustment has become a common way to enter the school. But in the process of adjustment, students need to pay attention to various factors, and fully prepare in a good attitude to improve their success rate. Regardless of the result, we should actively accept the experience of adjustment, summarize our shortcomings and improve them, so that the experience of adjustment can become one of the most valuable wealth in our life.

drift 2024-03-30 01:56:19
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