
Introduction to actors of Xuanyuan Sword

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Introduction to actors of Xuanyuan Sword

The Trace of Sky of Xuanyuan Sword is a TV series adapted from the well-known game brand Xuanyuan Sword of Kunlun Games. The characters and plot in the play have been highly appraised, and the performance of the actors is also an indispensable part. Today, we will take a look at the main actors in the "Trace of the Sky of the Xuanyuan Sword"? How did they perform?

The following are ranked in no particular order:

Liu Yijun as Uncle Yang

Liu Yijun was born in 1986. He participated in the talent show Super Girl and won the championship. He also played the leading role in many TV dramas. She played Uncle Yang in "The Trace of the Sky of the Xuanyuan Sword", a lovely and gentle woman with refined and generous appearance but hidden in her heart. Liu Yijun's performance was well received, exquisite and true, which made people unconsciously fall in love with this little warmth.

Xu Yajun as Zhen Luo

Xu Yajun, an actor from martial arts, once won many fans because of his simple and natural performance. In "The Trace of the Sky of the Xuanyuan Sword", he plays Zhen Luo, a man who has a thorough observation of the world and is knowledgeable, full of the traditional chivalry in Chinese martial arts novels. Xu Yajun's acting skills are considered by many audiences to be the best in the play. The vision, behavior and speech of Zhen Luo, played by him, are well portrayed.

Zhu Xu as An Yi

Zhu Xu is a middle-aged actor who has participated in historical dramas and martial arts dramas for many times, with diverse and full styles. In "The Trace of the Sky of the Xuanyuan Sword", he played An Yi, and successfully demonstrated the character characteristics of this character. An Yi is a character with a mysterious life experience, deliberate, hidden danger, but also a soft heart. Zhu Xu told him in detail, and showed his human nature well in front of the audience.

Zhang Zhe as Yu Lingzhu

Zhang Zhe is a young actress who has performed well in some small TV dramas before. In "Trace of the Sky of Xuanyuan Sword", she played Yu Lingzhu, a sincere and frank woman who yearned for freedom. Her performance is unique, full of laughter, anger and abuse and great feelings, affecting the hearts of the audience.

Luo Xier as Fan Ninger

Luo Xier is a new actress, and her debut is "Trace of the Sky of the Xuanyuan Sword". She has left an excellent impression on people. She fully interprets the character's vitality in a sensible and balanced way, which is the favorite of many young audiences. Fan Ninger is a lively, shy, beautiful but cute girl. Luo Xier perfectly turns this fresh temperament into her performance strength.

This is the main actor in "Trace of Heaven of Xuanyuan Sword". Each of them is powerful and has a distinctive image, which adds color to the TV series. It is worth mentioning that the excellent starring lineup is inseparable from the excellent cooperation between the director and the writer, which makes the whole TV play more perfect. If you haven't seen this TV play, go and see it!

Suspended dust 2024-03-26 10:36:35
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