
Tips for marinating steak: make the steak tender and delicious

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Tips for marinating steak: make the steak tender and delicious

Marinated steak is a good way to make the meat tender and juicy, and can also increase the taste and taste. But if you don't know how to pickle it correctly, you may get a dry and hard steak or tasteless meat. Now we will introduce the skills of marinating steak to make your steak tender and delicious.

Step 1: purchase high-quality steak

To make a delicious steak, you should first choose a fresh and selected steak. When shopping, you should choose the steak with bright skin color and fine texture.

Step 2: Prepare the curing materials

Marinate with sea salt, black pepper, garlic, butter and other seasonings. Salt is essential, because salt can help the moisture of meat penetrate outward, making the flavor more rich. Black pepper is to increase the taste. It can play a better role in seasoning with sea salt. Garlic and butter used in the curing process can be added according to the taste.

Step 3: Cut the steak

Generally speaking, cutting the steak into blocks and then curing it can make the seasoning penetrate into the meat better. Make sure the blade is sharp when cutting the steak, which helps prevent the meat from breaking.

Step 4: Marinate steak

Put the cut beef into a sealed bag, sprinkle the prepared curing materials on the beef, shake well, pat flat, and let the marinade penetrate into the meat. Then seal the bag and put it in the refrigerator for curing for at least 4 hours. If you have time, you can marinate it all night, which will be more delicious.

Step 5: Fried steak

After curing, remove the beef from the bag and wipe off the excess marinade. Then heat the pan, add some butter, add beef pieces, and fry them over medium heat until they appear brown. Then slowly cook the meat over low heat.

Step 6: Enjoy delicious food

Finally, put the cooked steak on the plate, match it with proper vegetables or salad, and pour it with black pepper sauce or butter sauce to enjoy the delicious food.

This is an important skill for making delicious marinated steak. If you can operate correctly according to the above steps, I believe you can also make tender and juicy steak.

tulips 2024-03-31 03:38:32
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