
How to check double base scores in Jiang'an District?

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How to check double base scores in Jiang'an District?

The double base score in Jiang'an District refers to the scores obtained by students from private schools and public schools in the unified examination. Parents and students can query the double base scores of Jiang'an District in the following ways.

Method 1: Query through the school's official website

Each school has its own official website, on which there is usually a double base score query portal in Jiang'an District. Parents and students can check the double base scores of Jiang'an District on the school's official website.

Method 2: Log in to the official website of Jiang'an District Education Bureau for query

On the official website of Jiang'an District Education Bureau, parents and students can check the double base score query entrance of Jiang'an District. Through the official website of the Education Bureau, you can find the double base scores of Jiang'an District of many schools, which is convenient for parents and students to conduct comparative analysis.

Method 3: Call Jiang'an District Education Bureau for consultation

If parents and students are unable to query the double base scores of Jiang'an District through the above methods, they can also directly call the Jiang'an District Education Bureau to consult the staff about the double base scores of Jiang'an District.

It should be noted that the name and examination permit number of the student should be provided to query the double base scores in Jiang'an District. At the same time, parents and students can also communicate with teachers to understand the specific performance of students in the exam and the aspects that need to be strengthened, so as to provide reference for future learning.

In a word, parents and students can check the double base scores of Jiang'an District through the official website of the school, the official website of Jiang'an District Education Bureau and by calling the Education Bureau. At the same time, you need to provide the student's name and examination permit number during the inquiry.

Tea 2024-03-25 17:28:39
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