
Complete recipe of squid shreds

One meter sunshine
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The shredded squid is a delicious food with delicious texture, refreshing and delicious, which is very suitable for eating in summer. It is made of fresh squid. It tastes delicious when eaten. It is nutritious and beneficial to health. Next, we will introduce several different methods of squid shredding in detail.

Method of shredded squid 1: Steamed shredded squid

Ingredients: fresh squid, shredded ginger, scallion, salt, cooking wine, pepper, sesame oil.


1. Clean the fresh squid and cut it into filaments.

2. Put shredded squid into a bowl, add some salt, cooking wine, shredded ginger and green onion, and steam for 10 minutes in a steamer.

3. Put the steamed squid shreds on the plate, pour some pepper oil and sesame oil, and serve.

Method of shredded squid 2: shredded squid with pickled cabbage

Ingredients: fresh squid, pickled cabbage, red pepper, garlic, shredded ginger, salt, cooking wine, Chinese prickly ash, sesame oil.


1. Clean the fresh squid, cut it into shreds and scald it with water for standby.

2. Add oil to the hot pot and stir fry garlic, shredded ginger and Chinese prickly ash.

3. Add sauerkraut and red pepper, stir fry, pour in proper amount of water and boil.

4. Add shredded squid, add a little salt, cooking wine and sesame oil, stir well, and serve.

Method of shredded squid 3: scallop shredded squid

Ingredients: fresh squid, scallops, celery, red pepper, salt, cooking wine, coriander.


1. Clean the fresh squid, cut it into shreds, and soak the scallops until soft.

2. Heat the pan with oil, add celery and red pepper and stir fry.

3. Add scallops, a small amount of salt and cooking wine, and stir fry for several times.

4. Add shredded squid, stir fry for several times, add proper amount of water, boil it on high heat, and then simmer it on low heat for 10 minutes.

5. Place it on the plate, sprinkle with coriander and serve.

Method of shredded squid 4: shredded squid in cold sauce

Ingredients: fresh squid, carrot, agaric, onion, ginger, garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, peanut oil, coriander.


1. Clean the fresh squid and cut it into thin shreds, as well as carrots and agaric.

2. Chop the onion, ginger and garlic, and marinate the squid with cooking wine and salt to taste.

3. Mix vinegar, soy sauce and peanut oil into sauce.

4. Mix shredded squid and shredded vegetables, add sauce and stir well.

5. Sprinkle with coriander and serve.

Practice of shredded squid 5: fried shredded squid

Ingredients: fresh squid, starch, salt, onion and ginger, peanut oil.


1. Clean the fresh squid and cut it into circles.

2. Add salt, onion and ginger, marinate for 5 minutes, and dry the squid ring with paper towel.

3. Coat the squid ring with starch.

4. Heat the peanut oil, fry the squid ring in the oil pan until golden yellow, drain the oil and serve.

Method of shredded squid 6: Stir fried shredded squid with scallions

Ingredients: fresh squid, onion, ginger, garlic, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce.


1. Clean the fresh squid and cut it into small pieces for standby.

2. Cut the onion, ginger and garlic well.

3. Add oil to the hot pot, and stir fry the onions, ginger and garlic.

4. Pour in shredded squid, stir fry for several times, add proper amount of salt, cooking wine and soy sauce to taste, stir well and serve.

Through the above six different methods of squid shredding, I believe you have mastered some rich and varied methods. Each method has its own characteristics and flavor, and different people can choose different methods according to their own taste. I hope you can enjoy the delicious shredded squid!

One meter sunshine 2024-03-25 03:43:16
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