
How to pay certification materials for enterprise social insurance?

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How to pay certification materials for enterprise social insurance?

Corporate social insurance is an important part of protecting the basic rights and interests of employees, and the social insurance of each employee should be effectively paid. So, how can the enterprise pay social insurance and provide corresponding proof materials?

1、 Social insurance payment process

1. Log in to the social security website: enter the social security website, fill in the relevant information of the enterprise, and obtain the social security registration account and password.

2. Fill in the declaration form: click the declaration form button to fill in the declaration form and upload the employee information and payment amount.

3. Payment: remit the total amount of payment in the declaration form to the designated bank account, print the payment voucher after remittance, and issue payment proof materials to employees.

2、 Provide supporting materials

1. Insurance certificate: the enterprise is obliged to provide the employee who has participated in social insurance with the certificate that the employee has paid social insurance. Employees can get the insurance certificate (including personal insurance and payment information) at the social security website or social security service hall.

2. Payment certificate: enterprises shall provide payment certificate when paying social insurance. The payment certificate is usually printed by the bank, or downloaded and printed on the social security website. The payment certificate shall include basic social insurance, provident fund and other relevant contents, and record the monthly payment details.

3、 Precautions

1. Payment time: The enterprise needs to complete the payment before the specified payment date. Overdue payment will result in a fine equal to the overdue fine.

2. Payment proportion: The enterprise needs to pay social insurance, housing fund and other expenses of employees on a monthly basis according to relevant policies and regulations. Enterprises can also buy commercial insurance for employees, but this is not a unified social insurance system.

3. Tax declaration: after paying the social insurance fees, the enterprise needs to declare the paid fees. The tax bureau will verify whether the payment amount is consistent with the tax declaration according to the payment record of the enterprise.

4. Time limit for tax payment: enterprises need to pay tax to the tax authorities between March 1 and April 30 of each year. If an employee who has paid the insurance premium leaves the company, the company needs to notify the tax authority in time and stop paying the insurance premium of the employee.


The payment of corporate social insurance and the provision of certification materials are crucial to the protection of the personal rights and interests of employees. Relevant personnel need to have a clear payment process, complete monthly payment as required, and provide social insurance certification materials with certification effect.

No pain, no gain. 2024-03-25 02:49:47
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