
How to query the enrollment of self-taught examination?

Yanyu River
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How to query the enrollment of self-taught examination?

Self taught examination is a learning method of adult higher education. To register for the self taught examination, you need to know some basic examination information, including the admission of the self taught examination. However, while waiting for the university to announce the enrollment list, we can check the enrollment of the self-taught exam in the following ways.

1. Query through the college self-taught examination website

First, we can go to the official website of the university where the self-taught examination is applied to, find the professional verification or self-taught admission information query portal for self-taught examinees, and enter your personal information to query the admission situation. Different colleges have different self examination websites. You can search the self examination websites of your colleges online.

2. Query through the provincial education enrollment examination website

In addition, we can also log in to the provincial education enrollment examination network for query. Search the website for "Self study Admission Query" and select the corresponding province to query. After entering personal information, you can query the admission situation.

3. Query by calling the hotline

Some colleges and universities also provide official consultation telephone numbers. If you encounter difficulties in inquiring about the enrollment, you can try to call the consultation telephone numbers provided by relevant colleges and universities.

4. Query through the school's WeChat official account

Some colleges and universities will also notify or publish the enrollment list on the official WeChat public platform. We can search the WeChat public account of relevant colleges and universities to check the enrollment.

In a word, when inquiring about enrollment, we should pay attention to providing real personal information to avoid incorrect inquiry due to input errors. At the same time, it is also very important to choose a reliable query channel. Please choose the official channel as far as possible. Finally, I hope that all candidates can obtain satisfactory admission results.

Yanyu River 2024-03-25 03:56:55
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