
Latest news of Shenzhou 15

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Latest news of Shenzhou 15

According to the plan, Shenzhou 15 will be launched in the near future to carry out the task of building the Tiangong Space Station, which is also an important step in the construction of China's space station.

It is understood that Shenzhou 15 is a manned aircraft, launched by the Long March 2F carrier rocket. It will carry three astronauts to the Tiangong Space Station for a three-month mission to carry out space station construction, scientific experiments, technical verification and other tasks, laying a solid foundation for the future construction of China's space station.

According to aerospace experts, Shenzhou 15 weighs about 22 tons, is 9 meters long in total and 3.35 meters in diameter, and uses a number of advanced technologies, including autonomous docking technology, intelligent control technology, high-precision space positioning technology, etc.

In addition, Shenzhou 15 will carry a number of scientific experimental equipment, including solar spectrometer, neutron star imaging detector, space material gravity effect experimental device, etc. These equipment will carry out a number of experiments in the space station to provide important data and support for future scientific research.

It is worth mentioning that the three astronauts in Shenzhou XV have undergone strict training and screening. They are all experts with strong aerospace science and technology background in China, with rich space experience and flight ability.

It is believed that with the launch of Shenzhou 15, China's space station construction will usher in a new stage and make greater contributions to the scientific cause of China and the world.

A young life 2024-03-28 17:28:26
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