
Detailed explanation of East China Normal University's independent enrollment method

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Detailed explanation of East China Normal University's independent enrollment method

East China Normal University (ECNU) is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education and enjoys a high reputation nationwide. Independent enrollment is one of the important ways for schools to select outstanding students. How does East China Normal University conduct independent enrollment?

Target population

The independent enrollment of East China Normal University is mainly for high school students. The conditions for enrollment are students who have outstanding academic performance, organizational ability and leadership ability. In addition, there are requirements on morality, quality, scientific research and innovation.

Registration conditions

First of all, the applicant must be a senior high school student, with an average score of more than 10% in the top of the class, outstanding performance in comprehensive quality assessment, and expertise in art, sports and other aspects;

Secondly, applicants should also have excellent comprehensive qualities, including moral character, cultural level, practical ability, etc;

In addition, if the applicant meets other special requirements, such as certain scientific research and innovation ability, outstanding performance in public welfare undertakings, etc., he or she can obtain corresponding bonus points in the admission.

Enrollment process

The independent enrollment process mainly includes written examination, interview, comprehensive quality assessment and other links.

1. Written examination: mainly examine students' Chinese, mathematics and English abilities. According to the number of applicants and the needs of the school, the school will select excellent applicants to participate in the interview.

2. Interview: interview is an important way to evaluate the comprehensive quality of applicants. The interview content mainly includes introduction of basic personal information, testing of basic discipline knowledge, future oriented development planning, etc.

3. Comprehensive quality evaluation: including the "double non" evaluation of sports and art. Students need to provide their own certificates or works and the identification results of athletes or artists.

Bonus item setting

The school has set up a wealth of bonus items, such as having won various national, provincial and municipal awards (individual champion or group honor); In various public welfare practices; It has various disciplines, arts, sports expertise, etc.

Admission criteria

Total score=written examination score+interview score+comprehensive quality evaluation score+special items, and finally the formal admission list is determined according to the total score from high to low.


East China Normal University is a high-level university with strong comprehensive strength, and its independent enrollment is also very strict and distinctive. Students who want to participate in independent enrollment can make full preparations in advance, show their personal qualities and talents in an all-round way, increase their own bonus points through various ways, and strive to stand out in the fierce competition for admission.

Memory also faded 2024-03-29 09:22:05
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