
Delicious and healthy pine nuts and corn kernels are most suitable for home cooking

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Delicious and healthy pine nuts and corn kernels are most suitable for home cooking

As a small snack with unique taste, pine nut corn kernels are very popular. Its crispy and delicious taste makes people never stop tasting it. In addition, it also contains rich nutrients, which are good for the body. Today, we will introduce some simple methods to make delicious and healthy pine nut corn kernels at home.

The first method: pine nut corn kernels

Ingredients: 200g fresh corn kernels, some pine nuts, some salt, and some vegetable oil.


1. Wash and dry the corn kernels, put them into a pot and add water. After the water boils, turn to low heat and boil for 5 minutes.

2. Remove the boiled corn kernels, soak them in ice water for 5 minutes, remove them and drain them for standby.

3. Heat up a pan with cool oil, add pine nuts and stir fry them until they are slightly yellow, then remove them with a colander.

4. Filter off the excess oil, put the pine nuts back into the pot, add proper amount of salt and stir well.

5. Finally, add the cooked corn kernels into the pot and stir well.

The second method: baking pine nuts and corn kernels

Ingredients: 200g fresh corn kernels, some pine nuts, some salt, and some olive oil.


1. Wash and dry the corn kernels, put them into a large bowl, add some salt and olive oil, mix well and marinate for 30 minutes.

2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, spread corn kernels on the baking pan, and sprinkle pine nuts.

3. Put the baking pan into the oven, bake for 10 minutes, then take out the corn and turn it over, continue to bake for 8 minutes.

4. Before eating, you can also sprinkle some salt to taste according to your own taste. The crispy and delicious roasted corn kernels with strong pine nut sesame flavor are perfect.

The third method: Crispy pine nut corn kernels

Ingredients: 200g fresh corn kernels, some pine nuts, some starch, some salt, and some vegetable oil.


1. Wash and dry the corn kernels, put them into a large bowl, add some salt and vegetable oil, mix well and marinate for about 10 minutes.

2. Put the starch into a bowl, drain the marinated corn kernels, and then put them into it. Stir and paste the starch evenly.

3. Heat up a pan with cool oil, put in corn kernels wrapped with starch, fry them over medium low heat until they change color slightly, remove them with a colander and drain them.

4. Start another pot, put in the rapidly fried pine nuts, add some salt and sprinkle on the corn.

The above three methods are different, but all can produce delicious and healthy pine nut corn kernels. You can choose according to your own taste and preference. I hope you will like it.

Who is the leading role 2024-03-26 20:22:43
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