
Apple 12 min Serious Disadvantage

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Apple 12 min Serious Disadvantage

As a new product of Apple, the Apple 12mini integrates advanced technology and humanistic design, and has become one of the most eye-catching products in the market. However, it is inevitable that such a perfect product also has some defects and deficiencies. This article will elaborate on the serious shortcomings of Apple's 12 mini.

1. Short battery life
Compared with other Apple mobile phones, the battery life of Apple's 12 min battery is shortened to a certain extent, and it is more obvious after the system is upgraded. This makes users need to charge frequently during use, which affects the normal use of mobile phones.

2. Storage capacity cannot be expanded
Like the previous Apple phones, the Apple 12 mini cannot increase the storage capacity by expanding the memory card. Once the user stores too much content, the mobile phone may run slowly, or even cannot be used normally.

3. Low screen fit
Due to the small size of Apple's 12 mini screen, in order to pursue beauty, Apple has used more stringent process requirements in the production process, which is the so-called "ultra precision glass fitting". However, in the actual use process, there will still be deviations between the screen and the frame, affecting the user's visual experience.

4. Very low maintainability
Apple has long been recognized by the industry as one of the most difficult mobile phone brands to maintain. The maintainability of Apple's 12 min is even lower. It is difficult to disassemble the shell, which makes it difficult to replace the battery and clean the interior and requires a certain level of technology.

5. The price is on the high side
In fact, Apple has always been a high-end brand, and the Apple 12mini, as one of its latest mobile phones, naturally inherits this tradition. Compared with other phones that are also suitable for 5G networks, the price of Apple's 12mini is indeed on the high side.

Conclusion: It is undeniable that the Apple 12mini, as a smart phone, is attractive in terms of performance and design, but it also inevitably has the above-mentioned defects and shortcomings. For users who want to buy Apple's 12 mini, they need to carefully consider whether they meet their needs before making a decision.

clear 2024-03-26 02:37:01
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