
How did Jiang Wei die?

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How did Jiang Wei die?

Jiang Wei, also known as Boyue, was a general of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms Period. Jiang Wei made many meritorious contributions in the later period of the Shu Han Dynasty, and was awarded the title of "Rear Lord's Guard" by Liu Bei. After Liu Chan, the later leader, succeeded to the throne, Jiang Wei continued to work for him and took part in the battle to capture Longyou and pacify the rebellion.

However, Jiang Wei didn't get the promotion he wanted. During this period, he even followed Zhuge Liang to continuously contribute strategies and plans, hoping to win his attention. However, for various reasons, Jiang Wei never got the ideal position, and gradually became dissatisfied and uneasy, secretly looking for opportunities.

In the fifth year of Jianxing (226 years), Jiang Wei attacked Chengdu at night in an attempt to overthrow the rule of Liu Chan, the late leader, and launched a rebellion to establish himself as emperor. However, a series of mistakes led Jiang Wei not only to fail to capture Chengdu, but also to be repelled by the mass uprising militia. Survivor Jiang Wei had nowhere to escape and was finally captured and executed.

On the one hand, Jiang Wei's death was attributed to his personal ambition and overconfidence, and he underestimated his own strength and situation, resulting in a serious discrepancy between the facts and expectations. On the other hand, it also exposed the internal chaos and political corruption in the late Shuhan period, as well as the weak ability of the leadership at that time and its reckless behavior, which worsened the original unstable situation.

Happy my brother 2024-03-29 23:15:56
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