
What does lily mean?

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What does lily mean?

Since ancient times, lily has always been one of the favorite flowers. Its gorgeous appearance and elegant temperament bring people a good mood and quiet feeling. In different cultures, the meaning of lily is also different.

In the West, lily is usually considered as a symbol of purity, nobility and elegance. In Christianity, the lily represents holiness and is regarded as the symbol of Jesus. Moreover, in many myths and legends, lilies also have similar symbolic meanings, such as Apollo and Diana in ancient Greek mythology, both of which are related to lilies.

In the East, lilies are also loved by people, and have different meanings from those in the West. In traditional Chinese culture, lilies are regarded as auspicious flowers, symbolizing reunion, prosperity, happiness and other beautiful artistic conception. At the same time, because the lily has a long flowering period and is not easy to wither, it is also endowed with the beautiful meaning of "longevity".

Similarly, in Japanese culture, lilies are also endowed with auspicious symbolic meanings, representing Tsinghua, luck and love. In addition, in some religious ceremonies in Japan, lily is also one of the important objects, used for sacrifice and thanksgiving ceremonies.

In addition, lily has other different meanings. In some occasions, such as weddings, lilies are regarded as symbols of love, happiness and purity, symbolizing the beautiful feelings between lovers. In some countries, lilies are used to mourn the dead and express respect and remembrance for life.

In short, as a flower representing purity, nobility, auspiciousness and other beautiful artistic conception, lily is not only a symbol of beauty, but also the spiritual sustenance of people's hearts. It is deeply loved and concerned by people.

Mature men 2024-03-25 17:54:08
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