
Apple 13 serial number query

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Apple 13 serial number query

Apple 13 is a mobile phone recently launched by Apple, which has attracted much attention and popularity of consumers. In order to protect the rights and interests of consumers, Apple also provides a serial number query function, which allows users to check whether the Apple 13 they purchased is genuine through their mobile phones or computers, further preventing the circulation of counterfeit and shoddy products.

So, how to query the Apple 13 serial number? The following is a detailed introduction.

1、 View Apple 13 serial number

Before querying the Apple 13 serial number, you need to first obtain your own Apple 13 serial number. The viewing method is as follows:

1. Enter "Settings" - "General" - "About this machine" interface;

2. Slide to the bottom of the page and check the "Serial Number" column to get the serial number of Apple 13.

2、 Query the Apple 13 serial number

After obtaining the Apple 13 serial number, you can query it in the following three ways:

1. Check on the official website. Open Apple's official website, enter the serial number on the "Support" - "Verify Your Product" page, and you can check whether it is genuine.

2. Use the official app for query. Apple's official App "Apple Support" also provides the function of serial number query.

3. Query through third-party websites. In addition to the official channels, there are also some third-party websites that provide Apple 13 serial number query services, such as SNDeepInfo,, etc. Users can also choose to use them.

3、 Common problems and solutions

1. The serial number query result is displayed as "Unable to verify the product". What is the reason?

It may be because the serial number is entered incorrectly. Please ensure that the entered serial number is correct; Or because the warranty period of the equipment corresponding to this serial number has expired, it can no longer be verified.

2. If the purchased Apple 13 is in other countries, can I also query the serial number?

Yes, no matter where you buy Apple 13, you can query its serial number through official channels.

In conclusion, Apple 13 serial number inquiry is an effective means for consumers to protect their own rights and interests. Users who purchase Apple 13 are recommended to make regular inquiries to ensure that the products they purchase are genuine and give full play to the role of warranty services.

Simplicity is happiness 2024-03-26 20:50:43
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