
How long can I drink red bayberry wine?

Every year is like a song
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The brewing time of red bayberry wine depends on your taste and preference. Generally, it is recommended that the brewing time should be between 1-3 months. Here are some specific steps and precautions for soaking wine:

1. Material preparation: bayberry, liquor, sugar.

2. Myrica rubra treatment: wash the myrica rubra, remove the stem and leaves, and use a toothpick to pierce several holes in the peel.

3. Bottle disinfection: scald the bottle with boiling water once and dry it for use.

4. Soaking wine: put the red bayberry into the bottle, add some sugar, and then pour the white wine until the red bayberry is completely immersed in the wine, leaving some space at the mouth of the bottle.

5. Storage: seal the bottle and place it in a cool and ventilated place. Shake the bottle every few days to fully mix the wine and red bayberry.

6. Tasting: After brewing for 1-3 months, you can try the taste of the wine. If you feel that the taste is not strong enough, you can continue to brew.

matters needing attention:

1. Keep clean and avoid pollution during the brewing process.

2. It is better to use high quality white wine for waxberry brewing, with better taste.

3. If the brewing time is too long, the taste of the wine may become too strong or deteriorate. It is recommended that it should not exceed 6 months.

4. The wine contains alcohol, please drink it in moderation, not in excess.

Every year is like a song 2024-04-05 18:22:26
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