
Sichuan Pickled Cabbage Fish Authentic Practice Video

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Sichuan Pickled Cabbage Fish Authentic Practice Video

Sichuan Pickled Cabbage Fish is a delicious food with Chongqing and Sichuan characteristics, which is fresh, fragrant, hot, spicy and sour. Sichuan Pickled Cabbage Fish has won over food lovers all over the country in an instant due to its unique production technology and wonderful taste.

The following is an authentic video of Sichuan pickled fish:

1. Preparation of raw materials: 2 jin of fresh rice eel, 500 g of pickled cabbage, 100 g of chili, 10 g of Chinese prickly ash, 10 g of ginger slices, 10 g of garlic, and appropriate amount of cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, and chicken powder.

2. Treatment of monopterus albus: clean the monopterus albus, blanch it with boiling water, remove dirt and sediment, take it out and cut it into sections for standby.

3. Making sauerkraut: wash and cut the sauerkraut into short sections, blanch it with boiling water, remove it, dry it, mix it with salt, garlic powder, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence and other seasonings, and marinate it for about 20 minutes.

4. Cook the bottom of the pot: pour water into the pot, add ginger slices, garlic, Chinese prickly ash and cooking wine, and boil them. Then add pickles, peppers and other materials to boil to a strong taste, and pour them into a large bowl for standby.

5. Pour water into the pan, directly put the eel segment into the pan, stir it slightly, add bean sprouts and other vegetables to boil out the pan, pour hot oil on the pan, and then enjoy the spicy Sichuan pickled fish.

In general, although the practice of Sichuan pickled cabbage fish is somewhat complicated, as long as the correct steps are followed, an authentic Sichuan specialty food can be made.

Want to enjoy more Sichuan food features? A trip to Sichuan will never disappoint you!

The sunset looks like a dream 2024-03-30 07:38:36
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