
How to make a simple home-made spicy hot soup

Happy Angel
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How to make a simple home-made spicy hot soup

Home style Spicy Hot Pot is a traditional snack with unique taste, which can not only satisfy people but also taste delicious. However, many people think that the production of Malatang is too troublesome and requires a lot of raw materials and professional kitchen utensils. In fact, as long as you have some simple ingredients and commonly used kitchen utensils, you can make delicious home style spicy hot soup at home.

Here is a simple version of home style spicy hot soup.

1. Prepare food materials

The most important thing to eat Malatang is of course the seasoning, which needs to be prepared: bean paste, ginger, garlic, pepper, chicken essence, salt, coriander, green onion and other seasonings. For side dishes, you can choose beef, potatoes, tofu, vermicelli, bamboo shoots and other ingredients according to your taste. We suggest that you buy some cooked instant hotpot ingredients, which can save a lot of cooking time, especially in the evening when you are tired of working overtime. In addition, it is also necessary to prepare some soup or water.

2. Cutting vegetables

Cut the prepared carrots, potatoes, beans and other vegetables into reputation size. If you like meat, you can cut the meat into long strips and thin slices. If there is no bean curd, the bean curd can be replaced by vermicelli. Soak the bean curd in boiling water first, remove it and drain the water for standby.

3. Spicy hot soup

First, heat the pot, add oil, ginger and garlic, and then add the cut beef or mutton and other ingredients. At the same time, add the base and seasoning and mix well. Then, pour in stock or water, add vegetables and tofu, and wait until the ingredients are fully cooked. You can also adjust the spiciness and salinity according to your taste. (Especially remind that the pan that has not been cleaned before use must be cleaned)

4. Prepare plates

After Malatang is cooked, you can put the cooked ingredients into some small bowls, which is not only convenient to eat, but also beautiful. You can also cut some coriander, green onion, etc. on the plate as ornaments. Finally, pour hot water into the pot with seasoning. The seasoning will taste more delicious after being dissolved in hot water.

5. Delicacies

Mix the prepared soup with the food on the plate, and it will become a delicious home-made spicy hot soup. I believe that if you follow the above steps once, you will like your Malatang, because it is not only healthy and nutritious, but also has a delicate, spicy, rich and fragrant taste. It is delicious and delicious! Enjoy while it's hot and start your taste journey!


Malatang is hot, but it is a popular food, very suitable for parties or family dinners. The professional edition is really troublesome. Cherish life and stay away from unnecessary troubles. Through the above simple steps, you can easily make a bowl of delicious food at home with the same taste. The female owners in the family can learn the delicious food of the whole people, which can not only satisfy the family's appetite, but also be a way to show their talents. Let's use practical methods to make your Malatang "full of Manchu and Han people, and share it together"!

Happy Angel 2024-03-29 01:41:02
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