
How to make soft and delicious American pancakes (P)

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If you are a pancake fan, this article will certainly satisfy your appetite. In the United States, pancake is a very popular breakfast option, because it is soft, delicious, and the feeling of soaking in syrup is incomparable. So today we will learn how to make soft and delicious American pancakes! Ingredients (P) - 2 cups flour - 2 tablespoons sugar - 2 teaspoons baking powder - 1 teaspoon baking soda powder - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups milk - 2 eggs - 1/3 cup oil - syrup and butter Step (P) 1 Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl and stir with an egg beater. 2. Make a hole in the flour mixture and add eggs and milk. Stir with an egg beater until well mixed. 3. Add the oil into a large bowl and stir until well mixed. 4. Add some pancake batter to the hot pan (not too hot!). Use a spoon to take the paste out of the bowl until it flows smoothly into the pot. 5. When there are many bubbles on the surface of the pancake, turn the pancake over with a spatula. For each pancake, the cooking time is about 2-3 minutes. 6. When both sides of the pancake are cash yellow, it can be taken out. 7. If necessary, it can be matched with syrup and butter. Tip (P) - When measuring ingredients, use standard measuring cups and spoons- If you want a better pancake, try adding some vanilla extract or cinnamon powder to the flour mixture- Adding blueberries, bananas or other fruits to pancake batter can also make delicious fruit pancakes. Conclusion (P) Now you have learned how to make American pancakes! Follow these steps and enjoy these soft and delicious pancakes at breakfast time!

It's fate 2024-03-31 15:57:47
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