
Which province and city does Longchuan County belong to

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Which province and city does Longchuan County belong to

Longchuan County is located in the northwest of Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, at the border between China and Myanmar. It is an important county on the border between China and Myanmar.

Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture is an autonomous prefecture under the jurisdiction of Yunnan Province. Founded in 1957, it is located in the southwest of Yunnan Province. Dehong Prefecture governs 5 counties, namely Ruili City, Lianghe County, Longchuan County, Yingjiang County and Mangshi.

Longchuan County has a small area, with a total area of only 920 square kilometers. However, the county is densely populated with mountains and is a gathering place of ethnic minorities dominated by Dai.

As it is located at the border, Longchuan County's economy is dominated by trade, and economic cooperation at home and abroad is quite active. In recent years, Longchuan County has accelerated the pace of economic development, strengthened infrastructure construction, vigorously introduced high-quality investment projects, and improved the competitiveness of the regional economy.

Longchuan County is blessed with unique natural ecological environment resources. Scenic spots such as Awa Mountain National Nature Reserve, the trunk stream of Tengchong River, the entrance of Jinsha River into Myanmar, and the Grand Canyon of Thailand Lake have become an important part of the tourism industry in Yunnan Province.

When visiting Longchuan County, tourists can try to visit the former residence of Zhaika Princess to understand the local historical and cultural background and local customs; You can also enjoy the magnificent water scenery and the beautiful natural scenery.

Persimmon blossoms 2024-03-31 21:22:31
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