
Methods and steps of making canned peaches

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Methods and steps of making canned peaches

Peaches are one of the most popular fruits in summer, but their season is very short. In order to keep them fresh and edible, people made canned peaches. The following are the methods and steps for making canned peaches:

Material Science:

2 Peach water, 2 cups of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice Equipment: jars, lids, cauldrons, baskets, etc


1. Prepare peaches to be used.

You need fresh and ripe peaches to make canned peaches. Cut in half and cored.

2. Prepare to soak other materials.

Mix 2 cups of water, 2 cups of sugar and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

3. Put the peaches in the canning bottle.

Put the cut peaches into the canning bottle, and then pour the soaking solution into the canning bottle, leaving about 1cm space.

4. Prepare the heated can.

Put the bottle in the pot and add water. At this time, the water level should exceed the bottle by about 3cm. Boil the water and heat the can to 85 ° C. Stir with a basket and open fire for the last 8 minutes.

5. Seal the can.

Remove the jars from the pot after heating and close the lid. Turn the can upside down and let it cool on its own lid. This will help seal.

6. Check can status and label date.

Once the process is completed, check whether the cans are sealed properly and mark the production date and its corresponding name.


Keep your canned peaches in a cool and dry place for a long time. Avoid sunlight to avoid pollution. If you want to store it for a longer time, you can put it in refrigeration or freezing.

Making canned peaches does require design, but once you master the basic skills, it becomes very simple. I hope this article can provide you with the basic knowledge and production steps of canned peaches. Enjoy your own canned peaches!

Fight for face 2024-03-25 09:07:00
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