
Harm and prevention of cassava powder

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Harm and prevention of cassava powder

Cassava flour, also known as raw flour, is a kind of starch powder extracted from the root of cassava. Although it is widely used as an ingredient or flour substitute in China and other places, cassava flour contains a large amount of nitrite, and long-term intake of cassava flour will bring adverse effects on people's health.

Hazards of nitrite

Nitrite is one of the ingredients contained in cassava powder. Nitrite can combine with potential diamines in the gastrointestinal tract to produce carcinogens, which can harm the digestive system, respiratory system and central nervous system, interfere with the oxygen transport function of hemoglobin and other health risks.

Manifestations of cassava powder poisoning

Cassava powder poisoning may be caused by a large amount of cassava powder ingestion for a long time. In addition to the above symptoms, the patient may also have mild symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, limb fatigue, skin redness and swelling. If the human body absorbs too much cassava powder, the patient may even die. Therefore, how to avoid cassava powder in daily diet has become a very important topic.

Prevention and treatment

In family production, cassava powder made from complete cassava roots through multiple processes such as water permeability, slicing, retting, drying, grinding, etc. is relatively safe. The cassava powder containing nitrite sold in large quantities in the market needs our attention, and we suggest that you eat as little as possible.

While safely eating cassava powder, it can also effectively prevent toxicity by other means. For example: cool after cooking, wash with boiling water, mix with flour, etc.

In a word, we should pay attention to the selection of regular products with good brand reputation and security in our daily life, reduce the risks of cassava powder on our bodies, and ensure the health of ourselves and our families.

Handle affairs steadily 2024-03-29 05:54:47
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