
Okra's Homely Practice

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Okra's Homely Practice

Okra, also known as croissant, is a popular vegetable in summer. It is plump, fresh and green, and contains rich nutrients. Okra has a variety of methods. Here are some homely methods.

1. Stir fried Okra

Ingredients: okra, garlic, ginger slices, salt, oil.


1. Remove the top of the okra, wash it and cut it into small pieces, mince garlic and ginger, and set aside.

2. Pour a proper amount of oil into the pot, heat the oil, and then add garlic and ginger powder to fry until fragrant.

3. Add okra and stir it continuously until it is soft, then add some salt.

4. Finally, turn and mix evenly.

2. Fried Eggs with Okra

Ingredients: okra, egg, salt, oil.


1. Wash the okra and cut it into small pieces. Put the eggs into a bowl and mix well for equipment.

2. Add oil to the pan and heat it up. Pour the egg liquid into the pan and stir fry until it is cooked. Take it out and put it in a bowl for standby.

3. Add an appropriate amount of oil, stir fry the okra until cooked, and season with salt.

4. Finally, pour in the egg liquid, and then stir it quickly and evenly to get out of the pot.

3. Okra Beef Brisket Soup

Ingredients: okra, beef brisket, red sufu, ginger slices, scallions, salt, cooking wine, edible oil.


1. Slice beef brisket, clean onions and ginger, and set aside.

2. Stir fry the beef brisket with cool oil in a hot pot, add some cooking wine and water, add onion and ginger slices and red beancurd.

3. Boil the water and put in the okra. Cook until the okra becomes soft and add salt to taste.

Okra has a refreshing and sweet taste, rich in nutrients, suitable for all people to eat. The above ways, different cooking methods with okra show different characteristics. Try it!

Man must rely on himself 2024-03-31 08:00:49
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