
Can cherries be frozen?

A real traveler's province is boundless
Favorable reply

Yes, cherries can be frozen, but the following points should be noted:

1. Select fresh cherries, wash and remove the stones, and then dry with paper towels.

2. Put the cherries into a sealed bag and squeeze out air as much as possible to prevent ice crystals during freezing.

3. Mark the bag with the date and content, and then put it into the freezer.

4. When storing cherries in the freezer, it is recommended to set the temperature below - 18 ℃ to maintain the best quality.

5. Before using frozen cherries, thaw them at room temperature or put them into the refrigerator to thaw slowly.

It should be noted that frozen cherries will affect their taste and quality, so it is recommended that they be eaten as soon as possible. In addition, frozen cherries cannot be frozen and thawed repeatedly, or their taste and quality will be affected.

A real traveler's province is boundless 2024-04-04 12:42:09
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