
Has the price of sugar orange really gone up?

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Has the price of sugar orange really gone up?

Recently, some netizens found that the price of sugar orange in the market is getting higher and higher, and even nearly 10 yuan per kilogram in some places. This led many people to speculate that the production of sugar orange has decreased, leading to a rise in prices.

However, in fact, it is not the first time that the price of sugar orange has been "bullish". As early as last year, it was reported that the price of sugar orange rose due to many factors such as production costs, logistics and transportation.

But in fact, the price of sugar orange is determined by the market supply and demand. Last year, the sugar orange market was well supplied, and the price fell accordingly. This year, however, the output of sugar orange did not decrease significantly, but the market supply decreased and the demand increased, leading to the price increase.

In addition, the price of sugar orange is also affected by various factors. For example, weather factors, sugar oranges are tropical fruits, which are very sensitive to climate conditions such as temperature and rainfall. If the temperature is too high or the rainfall is too much, it may affect the yield and quality of satan orange, thus affecting the price. In addition, the cost of logistics, packaging and other aspects will also have an impact on the price of satan orange.

How to buy high-quality sugar orange?

If you want to buy delicious and fresh sugar oranges, you can start from the following aspects:

1. Place of purchase: You should choose the regular market or supermarket, and try not to go to the roadside stalls.

2. Observe the color: the peel of Satsuma orange should be smooth and plump, without obvious wrinkles and cracks, and the color is bright; The fruit should have a certain sense of weight, indicating that it is fresh enough.

3. Smell taste: good satan orange should have a delicate smell, especially near the fruit base. The smell should be clean and free of peculiar smell.

4. Squeeze the pulp: Squeeze the satan orange slightly to see if there are obvious marks on the skin; If not, it means that the satan orange is fresh, thin, juicy and thick.

5. Know the local season: The season of Shatang orange from different origins is different. If you know which season is the most suitable for purchase, you can better avoid the price fluctuation period.


When purchasing satan oranges, you should pay attention to the formal purchase channels, pay attention to the local production season and weather conditions, and the way to identify high-quality satan oranges is also very simple. At the same time, the rise and fall of the price of sugar orange is caused by many factors, not just the production cost. I hope you can make a wise choice when you buy satan oranges.

Trample a dead pig 2024-03-26 23:10:10
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