
What is capable?

Happiness comes from hard work
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What is capable?

Capable is an English word, which means talented, capable and qualified. It is usually used to describe people or objects, expressing that they have the skills, knowledge and resources needed to complete a task.

Human capability

Human beings, as advanced intelligent creatures, are constantly exploring their own potential and constantly improving their overall level. A capable person can show his unique abilities and talents in all aspects, such as:

1. Technical ability: have profound professional knowledge and skills, and be able to flexibly use various tools and methods to solve problems and innovate and develop.

2. Leadership: have the ability to effectively manage the team and organization, be good at communication and cooperation, and lead the enterprise or society forward.

3. Creativity: Have the spirit of independent thinking and innovation, and be able to design novel and practical works and inventions.

4. Adaptability: be able to quickly adapt to changing environment and work requirements, and flexibly respond to various challenges.

The item's capacity

In addition to humans, objects also have the ability to have the capability attribute, such as:

1. Smart phone: As a necessary daily product for modern people, smart phones have a number of advanced functions, such as taking photos, listening to music, playing videos, etc., and can complete many tasks.

2. Robot: In recent years, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, robots have been able to complete many tasks, such as intelligent cleaning, automatic driving, machine translation, etc.

3. Smart home: More and more smart home products are entering people's lives, such as programmable thermostats, smart TVs, voice assistants, etc. These devices can improve people's living comfort and save energy.

How to improve the ability?

We can take the following methods to improve the ability of individuals:

1. Expand the learning field: learning is an important way to improve the ability and quality. By learning new skills and knowledge, you can increase your personal capacity.

2. Expand social circle: By expanding your interpersonal relationships and making more friends, colleagues and scholars, you can constantly expand your ability through new perspectives and perspectives.

3. Pay attention to current events and industry development: keep abreast of new trends and trends in the industry and society, which can exercise personal insight and creativity and improve their ability to be able.


Capable is a word that human beings and objects express certain abilities. At the same time, we can use it to encourage ourselves to constantly improve and expand our ability range, and to constantly grow and progress.

Happiness comes from hard work 2024-03-28 21:44:02
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Q: What does Allah mean in Shanghai dialect

A: In Shanghai, "Allah" means "we" or "mine". "Ala" originates from Wu Ningbo dialect. Ningbo dialect often uses "la" as the end when it means more than one person. For example, "Qula" means them. The local expression of "we" in Shanghai is "my name", but after a large number of Ningbo people migrated to Shanghai, "Ala" rose from the ranks of businessmen and citizens, and then became the representative of Shanghai dialect, so that many non Shanghai people know the Shanghai dialect as "Ala". After the liberation, with the end of the immigration wave, the modern Shanghai dialect gradually took shape. At this time, "Allah" has completely replaced "Woni" as the symbol of Shanghainese. However, "Wo Ni" has not completely withdrawn from the stage of history. In suburban counties of Shanghai, "Wo Ni" is still the self declaration of local people. In addition to "Allah", the common way of claiming oneself in Shanghai Wu dialect is "I", pronounced "ngu". During the period of the Republic of China, there were many immigrants from Jiangbei in Shanghai. Influenced by their mother tongue Jiangbei dialect (Jianghuai Mandarin), their Shanghai dialect changed "Ou ngu" into "wuu" (not "I", "I" Shanghai Wu voice ng), which was discriminated by local people as "Jiangbei accent". Nowadays, many young people have a lazy voice. It is wrong to pronounce "wuu" as a lazy voice and claim that "wuu" is an ancient Chinese word "wu".

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