
How to make delicious preserved eggs with cold sauce

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How to make delicious preserved eggs with cold sauce

Preserved egg, originated from the Qing Dynasty, is a kind of specially processed duck egg originating in China. It is named after the network cracks on its surface. Preserved egg is famous for its charming fragrance and unique taste. Nowadays, many people like to make preserved eggs with cold sauce. This kind of food has beautiful appearance, delicious taste and tastes very refreshing. Here are some simple cold preserved eggs for your reference.

Method 1: Traditional preserved eggs with cold sauce

Step 1: Boil the preserved egg in water for 20 minutes to make it easier to take out the membrane inside the preserved egg.

Step 2: Take out the boiled preserved eggs and chill them with cold water. Peel, film and cut into small pieces.

Step 3: Add chopped scallions, ginger, garlic, salt, vinegar, MSG, sugar, pepper oil, peanut oil, and mix well to make juice. Put the preserved egg into a bowl and pour it into the mixed juice.

Method 2: preserved eggs with honey

Step 1: Boil the preserved egg, peel off the shell and film, and cut it into small pieces for standby.

Step 2: Add 1 tablespoon of honey, 1/2 tablespoon of white vinegar, half tablespoon of seafood soy sauce, half tablespoon of chopped ginger and garlic, proper amount of millet pepper powder and half bowl of pearl rice powder into the bowl.

Step 3: Pour in a small amount of water, stir well, then add preserved cold eggs, and gently mix well.

Method 3: Salty and fresh preserved eggs

Step 1: Break the preserved egg, take out the yolk and egg white, and cut them into small pieces.

Step 2: Remove the leaves and sundries from the cabbage, wash it and cut it into pieces.

Step 3: Put proper amount of oil in the pot, add chopped green onion, ginger, garlic and rock sugar, and stir fry until fragrant. Add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, white pepper and soy sauce and stir well.

Step 4: Pour the prepared egg skin and shredded cabbage into the stir fried seasoning, stir it quickly until it tastes delicious, turn off the heat, put cold dish juice, sesame oil and sesame, and then mix well.

Method 4: Preserved Eggs with Mustard Sauce

Step 1: Peel the preserved egg and cut it into small pieces for standby.

Step 2: Take a small bowl, transfer the appropriate amount of stock, add the appropriate amount of mustard powder and stir evenly.

Step 3: Pour the mixed stock into the preserved egg cubes, add some salad oil and salt, and mix well.

Method 5: Spicy Cold Mixed Preserved Eggs

Step 1: Prepare preserved eggs and cut them into small pieces.

Step 2: Take a large bowl, put in chopped green onion, ginger, chili oil and cooked sesame, mix in salt, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and salad oil, and mix well.

Step 3: Put the sliced preserved eggs into the mixed juice, and mix well.

Conclusion: The cold preserved eggs introduced above have their own unique flavor. Different people have different preferences for preserved eggs. When making, you can flexibly use your own taste to adjust the weight and formula of materials, and make your own special preserved eggs with cold sauce according to your own preferences, so as to enjoy a good time of food.

Also elegant 2024-03-27 11:05:07
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