
School of Design, Jiangnan University: A Diversified Art Vision

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School of Design, Jiangnan University: A Diversified Art Vision

The School of Design of Jiangnan University, founded in 2008, is one of the colleges set up under the Department of Art and Design of Jiangnan University. In the past decade, the college has embarked on a diversified innovation road, covering interior design, industrial design, visual communication design, animation and digital media and other fields.

As a design college with excellent teachers and high-level curriculum system, it attaches great importance to practical teaching. The college cooperates regularly with well-known enterprises such as Huawei and Xiaomi, and relies on the high-quality resources of these enterprises to create more authentic design scenes and social environment for students. For example, students can participate in the creation of Huawei mobile phone appearance design.

In addition, the annual international designer lectures, design festivals and other activities have also become an important feature of the college. The college invites well-known experts in the field of design at home and abroad to stimulate students' and teachers' thinking and inspiration in the field of design innovation through various forms of exchanges.

The college has also established a complete graduation design system, which is carried out from theme determination, scheme design, project implementation to achievement selection. Teachers will provide different technical and material support for students' personal differences, strictly control the quality, and effectively train students to form independent thinking and creativity in practice.

The study of basic courses is one of the core contents of the design institute. The college has established an objective and reasonable teaching arrangement. On the basis of sculpture, sketch and other basic courses, teaching emphasizes "basic skills", promotes students' comprehensive quality from a broader perspective, and greatly improves their aesthetic ability and ability to master terminology.

In general, the core belief of the School of Design of Jiangnan University is its constant pursuit of diversity and excellence. The college is committed to creating a world-class innovation platform for students, and pursues the concept of "people-oriented, independent inquiry" to cultivate outstanding students with independent thinking and creativity.

No more fear 2024-03-25 10:50:13
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