
The fruit of purple leaf plum can be eaten by pregnant women?, What's the effect?

Dried confusion
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The fruit of purple leaf plum can be eaten by pregnant women, but attention should be paid to the proper amount. Purple leaf plum is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, dietary fiber and other nutrients, which can help improve immunity, promote digestion, reduce blood pressure and other effects.

For pregnant women, proper consumption of purple leaf plum fruit can help strengthen the body's immunity and prevent colds and other diseases. In addition, purple leaf plum fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and alleviate constipation and other problems. However, because the purple leaf plum fruit contains certain acid substances, excessive consumption may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, and pregnant women should take it in moderation.

In a word, pregnant women can eat an appropriate amount of purple leaf plum fruit, but they need to pay attention to an appropriate amount and not eat too much. If you have any discomfort, you should seek medical advice in time.

Dried confusion 2024-04-02 03:38:27
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Q: Can fresh persimmons be frozen in the refrigerator

Answer: Fresh persimmons can be frozen in the refrigerator. Generally, persimmons are frozen at (0 ± 1) ℃ for low temperature preservation. The persimmon fruit must be pre cooled before freezing. First, the temperature of the fruit should be reduced from normal temperature to 5 ℃, and then gradually to 0 ℃. Generally, freezing technology is combined with other measures such as PE packaging, and the storage period of persimmon fruit is about 3 months. In addition, the persimmon fruit is stored in the cold storage at - 20 ℃ for 24~48h for quick freezing. After the pulp is fully frozen, it can be stored in the cold storage at - 10 ℃ for 1 year.

Puff's Method 2020-08-04

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