
How to make children go to bed early?

Women are like flowers and dreams
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Operation method

To fix a bedtime, simply put, is to go to bed on time within a certain time every day. We really need to develop a good habit for our baby, and we need to tell him that we should get up early and not be late in the morning. After fixing a fixed bedtime, our baby will consciously abide by it.

Go out more in the daytime, take your baby out more and go outdoors for related activities. After that, your baby will be tired. Then at night, your baby will generally go to bed earlier. Especially for the younger baby, it is better not to let him sleep in the evening.

Don't do strenuous exercise before going to bed. Try not to let your baby do some strenuous exercise at night, such as running or playing some exciting games with your baby. In this way, your baby's brain will be more active, and it will be harder to sleep.

Listen to some soothing music for the baby. If you want to let the baby sleep at night, you can listen to some soothing music for the baby when lying in bed. This is conducive to the baby's quiet sleep. You can also read some storybooks for the baby.

Adults should also go to bed early. If they want to let the baby go to bed early at night, adults must also go to bed early. Never let the baby go to bed while the adults are still active, so that the baby will unconsciously feel why the parents are not sleeping and want to go to bed? This will make it difficult for children to sleep.

There are rewards for going to bed early. If you want to lure your children to go to bed earlier, you can set certain rewards, such as going to bed early, making chocolate biscuit cakes for them in the morning, and so on. In this way, under the temptation of material rewards, babies will often climb to bed and go to bed earlier.

Don't let your baby eat too much. The reason why many babies don't like to sleep at night or feel like tossing and turning when sleeping is often because they eat too much at dinner, so their stomach is uncomfortable. Therefore, it is better to let the baby eat less at dinner and keep a calm mood, so that it can be conducive to sleep.

Create a warm environment. When sleeping at night, turn off all the lights at home, especially the mobile phones, televisions, computers and other electronic products. And close the curtains to create a warm and comfortable environment, which is more conducive to the baby's sleep.

Women are like flowers and dreams 2024-04-20 21:42:23
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