
What if you fall in love with someone you shouldn't?

Red wine knocked over the earthly cabinet
Favorable reply

Falling in love with a person who should not be loved is very painful and upsetting. The pain that comes with it can only be borne silently by oneself. This pain that cannot be spoken out and shared with friends can be imagined. Xiao Bian talks with you about his heart and hopes that we can get out of this pain that should not be. Life is sunny, so why do we bother ourselves? Everyone's thoughts and feelings are different, and their EQ is also different. Maybe some people can't control their emotions, but time will slowly heal your pain.

Operation method

When one day you suddenly find that you are silently paying attention to a person, and always want to know what he (she) is doing now? where are you? At this time, you know in your heart that you have fallen in love with this person, but the sad thing is that someone else has a family and children. At this time, you begin to calm down in your own ocean of pain every day, and the invisible missing increases sharply every day. What should I do?

Have time to find something you like to do! Even if the house is clean, you should try again. Take out all the clothes in the wardrobe and divide the spring, summer, autumn and winter to make your space more beautiful. When you see the old clothes, you will think of yourself and some beautiful past events from time to time, and forget your pain temporarily.

After work, ask a few friends to have a small dinner to talk about life and work. Maybe you will find some new stories, and a small party to talk and laugh will help you eliminate your endless yearning and reduce the pressure of work.

Calm down and think about it. Does the person you love love you? Even if you two are willing, is it you they really pretend to be? His care, love and salary are really given to his family, his other half, not you. You are just a toy needed when you are lonely.

Find someone who really belongs to you! Every day, you worry about a person who doesn't belong to you. You waste time and energy. You have so much energy to go out and do good things and do more things to give love. You will find that happiness is so simple. When countless people recognize you, you will forget all your troubles.

Contact your relatives and friends from afar, make an appointment to travel and see the outside world. You will know that there is a sky outside the sky and there are people outside the world. Don't think that what you like is the best. Go out and walk, you will suddenly be enlightened. The original scenery of life is beautiful everywhere, but you have not found it.

Red wine knocked over the earthly cabinet 2024-05-24 08:27:21
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