
Solution to the problem that the win10 system cannot play cf in full screen

Beaming with Joy
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After many netizens upgraded their computers to win10 system, they found that playing cf could not be displayed in full screen. Today we will teach you how to solve this problem

Operation method

On the desktop, right-click and select Intel Graphics Card Settings (some are graphics properties)

Then enter the video card control panel, and we select the display

Select the minimum resolution

Set zoom option to zoom full screen

Back to the main page, select the configuration type

Select the application in the selection trigger

After setting, return to the desktop and right click to adjust the resolution

Beaming with Joy 2024-06-01 05:18:46
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Q: Is it polite to wear a cap to eat

A: You can't wear a hat at dinner, including a cap, because it's impolite to wear a hat. Although I was taught since childhood, in some occasions, such as when the national flag is raised, in class, and in memory of the dead, I cannot wear a hat because it is impolite and disrespectful. For this, the world is the same. Just like you can't wear gloves when shaking hands. In serious and formal occasions, taking off your hat is a kind of etiquette. Taking off the helmet, which originated from the hat removal ceremony in the cold weapon era, means that there is no hostility and it is as friendly as entering a friend's home. In the 1950s, the earliest elevator etiquette rules in the West required men to take off their hats. When raising flags, sweeping graves and paying homage, soldiers should take off their hats, which is a basic courtesy and respect prevailing in all countries. It is generally not suitable to wear hats in formal occasions such as classrooms and meeting places. Because wearing a hat will cover part of your face, in serious and formal occasions, you should pay attention to the integrity, cleanness and freshness of your face image, rather than making people feel isolated and blocked because of the hat. It is common in formal meeting occasions that the general's cap of the Military Association is placed on the desk in front of him in a unified and orderly manner, which is an example. Classroom teaching is solemn and serious, and generally no hat is worn, which is also respect for teachers' teaching labor. At the same time, it is not polite to wear hats in other public places, such as cinemas and opera houses. The hat off ceremony originated from the cold weapon era. At that time, people had to wear helmets in battle. The helmets were mostly made of iron and were very bulky. When soldiers arrive at a safe place, they first take off their helmets to lighten the heavy burden. This means that there is no hostility. For example, when you go to a friend's home, you can also take off your hat to show friendship. This custom has been passed down, and is today's hat ceremony. Today, it is rare to take off your hat in the United States, partly because social etiquette is not so strict, and partly because people don't wear hats. However, in the 1950s, it was still common for men to take off their hats to salute women, whether indoors or in the elevator, men would take off their hats. In the 18th century, it was considered impolite to wear hats indoors. Men should take off their hats when greeting women, and then put them back on.

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