
How to get a quick introduction to electronic organ

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The electronic organ is a very popular musical instrument suitable for all ages, and the introduction is relatively simple. Next, I will introduce a quick introduction to the electronic organ.

Operation method

The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first. If you want to learn the electronic organ, you must first understand the basic music theory and understand the music score. Music score is divided into staff score and simple score. It's better to learn staff score, of course, simple score is no problem. Children are best to learn from the staff. If you are an adult or an old person, you can use simple music.

Understand chords. When playing the electronic organ, the right hand plays the melody, and the left hand needs to play the chord, so the chord learning is an essential step. The instruction manual of the general electronic organ will have a commonly used chord table for users' reference.

Understand the basic functions and operation of electronic organ. As a modern electronic instrument, electronic organ has many functions. The high-end electronic organ, like the mobile phones we use, has complex and diverse functions. It is necessary for beginners to master the basic functions and operation of electronic organ.

Rush forward 2024-05-27 01:53:29
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