
Simple manual origami princess skirt origami steps diagram

Fish going upstream
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Hello everyone, I'm origami duoduo. Today we are going to fold beautiful princess skirts. Many girls especially like princess skirts. It is also girls' nature to like wearing skirts. Next, let's take a look at the folding method of the princess skirt.

Operation method

Step 1: Prepare two pieces of small square paper. The size I use is 7.5cmX7.5cm.

Step 2. Take one of them and fold it in half. Unfold, leaving creases.

Step 3. Fold the upper and lower edges to the middle crease and align them.

Step 4: Turn the two corners in the middle of the left side over like this to form two triangles of the same size.

Step 5: Turn the surface, turn the upper left corner and the lower left corner inward respectively to a small part of the same size.

Step 6: Fold the left middle corner to the right, as shown in the figure.

Step 7. Fold the whole right side to the left side, and align the two corners of the left long side.

Step 8: Turn the middle two corners on the left side of the folded part outward to form two triangles of the same size.

Step 9. Insert the long side under the triangle.

Step 10: Turn in a small part of the same size of the exposed corners on the upper and lower sides.

Step 11: Turn over the front so that the jacket is folded.

Step 12, take out another small square paper. Fold the upper and lower sides in half and unfold, leaving creases.

Step 13: Fold the upper and lower edges to the middle crease and align them.

Step 14: Turn over the face, turn the upper and lower two new long edges to the center line, and turn over the two old long edges on the inner side to form as shown in the figure.

Step 15. Fold the left and right sides together and align them.

Step 16: Hold the upper and lower four corners of the left side with your hands, and pull outward to the position shown in the figure.

Step 17: After pulling the position, press down both sides.

Step 18: Fold the upper and lower corners of the right side inward to the crease, as shown in the figure.

Step 19: Turn over the front so that the skirt is folded.

Step 20: Put the coat on the skirt and adjust the lower position. In this way, the beautiful princess skirt will be folded. It is very beautiful. Go and try it quickly if you like.

Fish going upstream 2024-05-31 22:45:41
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