
What's the use of a king's glory against a tyrant

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What's the use of the king's glory in beating the tyrant to dominate these two BUFFs? Let's have a look.

Operation method

Income: As monsters, tyrants and masters will earn income after we kill them. Note that not only the people killed can earn income, but also the teammates of your team can earn income.

Get BUFF: These two behemoths will have special BUFF, which can improve our attributes. It is separate from the red and blue BUFF, and if it lasts for a long time, we can get BUFF to actively prepare for the group war.

Update equipment: get BUFF, go to group warfare, and get more gold coins through killing, mending knives. Then we can update equipment, which is tantamount to seizing the rhythm, and the game is getting closer to victory.

Seizing rhythm: what is rhythm? For example, when the game reaches 10 minutes, everyone's level is relatively high. Go to get the buFF, gather in the middle and push the tower. Know what to do in the first minute. This is rhythm.

Suitable for pushing: after the master has fought, there are special monsters that will help us attack the defense tower, which can help us push forward. The HP is very high, and the attack power to the defense tower is also great.

Seize the time: after BUFF, the time of BUFF is limited, so we should seize the time, actively catch people, and force the other party to fight with us. We have BUFF, and we must have an advantage.

In the wild, we should learn to grasp the rhythm: because these BUFFs are very important, when we play, the other party may interfere, so we should keep the punishment in the wild, and when appropriate, we must take action. This rhythm is very important.

Don't look back 2024-05-30 07:10:02
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