
How to clear the computer DNS cache?

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Sometimes when we are surfing the Internet, we find that the web page is not accessible, and often prompt that the web page is a virtual website. Please clear the DNS cache and try again. Today, I will share with you the method of clearing DNS cache.

Operation method

Sometimes when we surf the Internet, we may encounter the following situations. The webpage prompts that it is unable to enter and asks to clear the DNS cache and try again.

Win+r shortcut key calls up the "Run" box, and input CMD to open the command prompt operation box.

The command to clear the DNS cache is: ipconfig/flushdns. We copy this command, right click in the operation box and select Paste (do not use shortcut keys, English letters will be entered by default in the command prompt, and there is no key combination recognition function), and enter the command into the command prompt.

Enter, wait for a few seconds, and you will be prompted that DNS resolution has been successfully refreshed, which means that the DNS cache has been cleaned up.

Re open the webpage and find that the webpage can be accessed.

One step away 2024-05-29 00:08:31
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