
How to judge fat leg, puffy leg, muscle leg and thin leg method

Sadness and warmth
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First of all, we need to know that the calf is mainly composed of gastrocnemius muscle and soleus muscle, because the male hormone content in female students is very low, and usually only very large training intensity can make female students' calves grow into muscle legs; In addition, girls with high male hormones in their bodies tend to grow into muscle legs. They usually have a low voice, heavy hair and long whiskers. Generally, girls' thick calves are caused by high body fat rate, fat legs with fat accumulation or swollen legs. With low body fat rate, ballet dancers who often stand on tiptoe have tight calf muscles and beautiful lines, which are our ideal beautiful calves.

Operation method

The tiptoe can check whether it is a muscle leg. Stand barefoot on the mat, support the wall or the crossbar with one hand, stand on tiptoe with ankle strength, put down, then stand on tiptoe, and then put down, stand on tiptoe for 30 consecutive times, and keep the body stable without shaking. Finish the tiptoe exercise, knock the calf and relax the leg muscles. The next day, the calf muscles were very sore, indicating that the calf muscles were weak, fat legs or swollen legs, not muscle legs.

Fat legs Thin legs need to burn fat. Do 30~60 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, such as jogging or fast walking, and do tiptoe exercise three times a week. At the same time, we need to improve our eating habits and eat less or no sweets, high-fat junk food, etc.

Which type belongs to puffy legs? Wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time, standing for a long time, or sitting still for a long time, the water circulation of the body is poor, resulting in swelling of the limbs, forming puffy legs. It seems that the lower legs are also quite thick, but the leg muscles are actually weak.

The solution to puffy legs is to exercise more (that is, increase the amount of exercise to promote the body's water circulation), reduce the time to wear high-heeled shoes, soak feet with hot water at night and massage feet, etc.

How to prevent the calf from getting thicker during exercise? ① No weight bearing tiptoe training; ② Pay attention to the correct running posture and avoid landing on the ground with tiptoe first; ③ Reduce running in uphill areas. When running uphill, you usually land on tiptoe first and choose to run on flat ground.

Whether it is muscle leg, fat leg or puffy leg, stick to doing leg stretching every day. If you sit on a chair and lift your legs, hook your toes -- stretch your toes, then stretch your toes -- stretch your toes, and do it when you have time, no limit. Make legs more beautiful and sexy.

Sadness and warmth 2024-05-21 10:49:34
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