
What do you think of yourself

Harmony between heaven, earth and man
Favorable reply

We often play DNF games. For example, in Internet cafes, our friends will ask you what your cross region is. Some of our partners may not know their cross region, so let me introduce them to you!

Operation method

Cross 1 area: Guangdong 1 area, Guangdong 2 area, Guangdong 3 area, Guangdong 4 area, Guangdong 5 area, Guangdong 6 area, Guangdong 7 area, Guangdong 8 area, Guangdong 9 area, Guangdong 10 area, Guangdong 11 area, Guangdong 12 area, Guangzhou 1/2 area, Guangxi 1 area, Guangxi 2/4 area, Guangxi 3 area, Guangxi 5 area.

Cross two areas: Hubei 1, Hubei 2, Hubei 3, Hubei 4, Hubei 5, Hubei 6, Hubei 7, Hubei 8, Hunan 1, Hunan 2, Hunan 3, Hunan 4, Hunan 5, Hunan 6, Hunan 7.

Cross 3-A: Sichuan 1, Sichuan 2, Sichuan 3, Sichuan 4, Sichuan 5, Sichuan 6, Xinjiang 1, Northwest 1, Northwest 2/3.

Cross 3-B: Chongqing 1, Chongqing 2, Shaanxi 1, Shaanxi 2, Southwest 1, Southwest 2, Southwest 3, Yunnan Guizhou 1, Guizhou 1, Yunnan 1.

Across 4 districts: Shanghai 4/5, Jiangsu 5/7, Jiangsu 6, Jiangsu 8, Zhejiang 4/5, Zhejiang 6, Zhejiang 7, Fujian 3/4, Jiangxi 3, Anhui 3.

Across 5 districts: Shanghai 1, Shanghai 2, Shanghai 3, Jiangsu 1, Jiangsu 2, Jiangsu 3, Jiangsu 4, Zhejiang 1, Zhejiang 2, Zhejiang 3, Fujian 1, Fujian 2, Jiangxi 1, Jiangxi 2, Anhui 1, Anhui 2.

Across 6 districts: Beijing 1, Beijing 2/4, Shandong 1, Shandong 2/7, North China 1, North China 2, North China 3, Northeast 1, Northeast 2, Northeast 3/7, Liaoning 1, Shanxi 1, Hebei 1, Henan 1, Henan 2, Heilongjiang 1, Jilin 1/2

Across 7-A: Liaoning 2, Liaoning 3, Northeast 4/5/6, Hebei 2/3, Hebei 4, and Hebei 5.

Across 7-B areas: Henan 3, Henan 4, Henan 5, Henan 6, and Henan 7.

Across 8 districts: Heilongjiang 2/3, North China 4, Beijing 3, Tianjin 1, Inner Mongolia 1, Shanxi 2, Shandong 3, Shandong 4, Shandong 5, Shandong 6.

Harmony between heaven, earth and man 2024-05-29 03:14:56
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Q: What does RBT mean and what does ringtone mean

A: RBT refers to the music that rings when you call someone or when someone calls you, that is, when the caller's handset does not answer the phone. Its role is to let the caller enjoy the music and reduce the boring time waiting for the phone to answer; A ringtone is the music that someone calls you and your mobile phone rings. RBT is the abbreviation of "personalized and colorful ring back tone service". It is a service in which the called customer sets special sound effects (music, song, story, character dialogue) for other calling customers who call their mobile phones. Ringtones are the sounds that ring when a mobile phone is called. They are usually divided into three types: live ringtones, special effects ringtones, and funny ringtones. The formats are MP3, waw, mmf, midi, etc. With the support of the mobile phone manufacturer, different types of contacts can be set with different ringtones for their incoming calls to distinguish.

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