
How to install VC6.0

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VC6.0 is a compilation tool that we often use when we use the c language. It is also our computer level examination software. The installation of VC6.0 is similar to the installation of other software. Now I will introduce how to install VC6.0.

Operation method

First, open the downloaded VC6.0 installation package on the computer. Double click the installation package to open it. After opening the installation package, double click "vc6_cn_full.exe" to unzip the installation package.

After decompression, click Next and read the "Installation Instructions" in the information list. After reading, click Next to continue.

You can select the directory here. Generally, the default computer is the C disk. If you want to change the directory, select "Browse" behind the directory, and click Browse to change the directory. Click "Next" after the selection.

Select additional tasks here. If you don't want to add a shortcut, you can click the check mark in front of "Create Desktop Shortcut" to cancel it. If there is no problem, click "Next" to continue the installation. After clicking "Next", you can see the target file and additional tasks here. If there is no objection, click "Next" to continue, or click "If there is a problem, click" The previous step "Modify".

After selecting all, you can see the process of program installation in this interface.

After the installation of VC6.0 is completed, it can run immediately. If you don't want to use it now, you can cancel the run. Click Finish to exit the installation program. Then the installation of VC6.0 is completed successfully.

struggle 2024-05-30 19:40:57
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