
How to braid your girl?

Rose with thorns
Favorable reply

When Xiao Bian went to school, all the girls were braiding small braids, long and short, simple and complex, which were very beautiful. The following little editor will teach you the simplest braid weaving method, which can also be learned by male comrades:

Operation method

First, smooth your hair with a comb. It looks good when you make it like this. In fact, chaos is also very good

Then, grab the whole bundle of hair and divide it into three equal parts with your middle finger.

Then, press the left lock of hair to the top of the middle lock of hair

Then press the right lock of hair onto the left lock just moved

Then, repeat steps 3-4, and tie it with a small rubber band when knitting to the end.

Two chic clips can be fastened on the side of the hair, which is perfect

Rose with thorns 2024-05-21 17:03:26
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