
How to make eggplant dumplings

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Operation method

Wash the eggplant you bought and cut it into small pieces for use. If the eggplant is relatively old, it is recommended to peel off the skin and cut some onions, ginger and garlic.

In a pot, add a little oil, diced eggplant, and a little bean paste. Stir fry the eggplant puree over high heat for standby.

It is better to use pork chop for meat filling, so that the fat is even. Peel off the pork chop and chop it into meat filling with a kitchen knife for standby.

Prepare a large basin, put chopped meat, stir fried eggplant paste, chopped onions, ginger and garlic, add some salt and soy sauce, and mix well to make meat.

The dumpling skin is bought directly in the food market, which is more convenient. Take a piece of dumpling skin on the left hand, take a spoon in the right hand to dig a spoonful of meat stuffing into the center of the dumpling skin, squeeze the skin tightly, so that a dumpling can be wrapped. Follow this method to wrap all the dumpling skin.

Boil the water, put the dumplings into the boiling water, boil for about four minutes, and the dumplings can be eaten!

Against the Current 2024-04-20 09:50:25
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