
How to force the computer to close running programs

A glass of wine, brother I
Favorable reply

Sometimes when we are operating a website or a certain software, we suddenly have a problem, and we have been loading or unable to operate, or even unable to close the program. At this time, we can wait for the program to respond, and we can force the program to close. The following is for your reference.

Operation method

When we are working on a computer and suddenly become like this icon, it is often very painful. Generally, waiting is fruitless. We'd better close the program.

Select the bar below the computer and right-click

Select Launch Task Manager

Select a program you want to close to end the task

Confirm to close according to the pop-up menu

At this time, the task manager will no longer have the program or web page that was just closed

You can also use the shortcut Ctrl+alt+delete? Enter the following interface and select Task Manager

A glass of wine, brother I 2024-06-02 07:07:39
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Q: How long will light travel from Mars to Earth

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