
Installation method of computer heat sink

Out of print lonely lover
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A simple installation method of auxiliary upper radiator

Operation method

A computer. Here is the case with the cover removed. I can see my CPU lying quietly on the motherboard

Here, my radiator has been removed. I need to use toilet paper to clean the silicone grease left on the radiator. (If it is a newly purchased radiator, it is a clean radiator plate and does not need to be wiped)

Inject the tubular silicone grease, aim at the center of the CPU, and extrude the bean shaped silicone grease. Be sure to put it in the center, and do not smear it on the circuit board of the main board (note: there is a kind of silicone grease with good thermal conductivity, but it contains metal particles, so do not smear it on the main board, or there will be serious consequences)

Silicone grease has been coated, waiting for radiator installation

This is the installed radiator. I won't say more about the installation details. Remember to press it down gently, so that there is no air on the heat dissipation contact surface, so as not to affect the heat dissipation. PS: Remember to plug in the power supply on the cooling fan!

Out of print lonely lover 2024-06-02 09:12:25
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