
How does xp delete a user account

A rose that never withers
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Every time the computer logs in, there are a lot of users in the login interface. They have to find their own accounts for half a day. How can I delete these unused accounts? Look below.

Method 1

The same effect can be achieved when we log in to the account we don't want to delete and enter the system. This account must have administrator privileges. Click Start -->Control Panel, press WIN+R, enter control. exe, and click OK

Open the penultimate icon in the control panel to see if it is the avatar of two people. If it is not the penultimate icon, find User Account. Click the left button to open User Account in the control panel

In the user account panel, we left click the user to be deleted, such as mine, and click [a].

Click Open and click the [Delete Account] link. In this way, we can delete the user from the system, and then the system will let you determine some problems.

To delete a user's profile, when we delete a user, their user data files are still kept in the system. Therefore, after clicking Delete Account, an option will pop up. We click Delete File. If you want to keep their files, just click [Keep File]. If you want to delete multiple accounts, just go to Step 3, Step 4 and Step 5 again.

Method 2

This is a very simple method, but you can't delete users' files directly. Instead, you need to manually delete my computer on the desktop (not a shortcut), and click the right mouse button --->Manage.

Then click the [+] sign in front of [Local Users and Groups] in the computer management window, and then click [User] on the right, all users in the computer will appear.

Click the user to be deleted in the middle of the right window, and then click the right mouse button -->Delete! If there are multiple users, it can be executed multiple times.

A rose that never withers 2024-05-20 18:22:47
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