
What to do if the computer is disconnected

Black and white cat on piano
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Now there are more and more friends who have computers at home. You should also know some common sense about computers. What should you do if your computer suddenly fails to connect to the network when it is turned on one day? Today, I will give you a detailed explanation of what to do if the computer is not connected to the Internet.

Operation method

Check whether there is any error in the network connection line, whether the cat can operate normally, whether the router works normally, whether the connected line is damaged, whether the connected interface is loose, and there are many problems of not being able to access the Internet. Let's eliminate the problem of hardware facilities connection first. The following figure is the correct connection method

Make sure you can't connect to the network after it's not a line problem. Let's see if the network control bread is connected. If you have a router, it's a direct connection. You don't need to dial. You can connect by plugging in the Internet cable and turning on the cat. If you don't have a router and just rely on the cat to connect to the computer, you need to dial, turn on the network control bread, and turn on "Network Neighborhood", Check the network connection on the left to see if it is connected. Note (the broadband connection with a router is interrupted, and the local connection is connected) (the local connection without a router is interrupted, and the broadband connection is required)

Call the operator who manages your network to find out whether you are in arrears. If you are not in arrears, then all the settings on the connection are OK, then it is the network operator's problem. Maybe there is a problem with the connected network cable.

Black and white cat on piano 2024-05-29 12:18:08
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