
Record the growth of children with photos

The vicissitudes of life are drinks
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The growth of children is the happiest thing for every parent, but every child grows up unconsciously. When children grow up, their childhood memories are almost forgotten. How to record children's childhood life? I made a camera to record every bit of life. My life and children's life are more fulfilling.

Operation method

Since the birth of the baby, I have recorded the growth of the baby with a camera. The baby grew very fast six months ago, and had to add a few pounds every month. Every day, I saw that the little mouth kept eating. The chubby one was too cute. Six months later, I could drink milk by myself with a bottle. If you don't want to give her a drink, you will cry. The baby's crying is a common thing. It is often said that children are changeable in crying and laughing. Watching the baby grow up day by day, I feel happy.

Time goes by so fast that I can't see my child growing up around me every day. When I take the previous photos, my baby will really grow up. The baby's old clothes can't be worn anymore. After one year old, the baby can walk. I often take the baby to the park and the zoo to play. The baby is very happy and curious about everything. Look at the picture below. My webmaster looks like an adult under the peach tree and knows how to pose for himself. My baby has many clothes. When I go to the park to play, I always like to change my baby's clothes into something different from the last time. My baby is happy to wear different clothes every time.

Soon the baby will go to kindergarten. In the kindergarten, she is a lively and lovely little angel. Every day I send her to kindergarten and pick her up after school. Every time I see her waiting after school, she is very happy. The baby likes snacks very much, and she may also eat a little more sugar. Two small teeth are black by insects. Babies love beauty. They always wear adult clothes at home. They should wear glasses to play like adults. When they play, they sometimes pose for others to see. I always wear a camera. I also took a lot of photos (because there are only 20 photos here, there is no way). The baby is crazy, and there is no end to madness. I always like to mess with adults, which makes me happy.

Six years passed quickly. The baby is going to primary school. When she goes to school, the first thing she needs is a big new schoolbag, and she also needs to buy some beautiful clothes. The clothes should be picked out by herself. If she likes them, her time on campus is much faster than at home. So there are many children playing with her. There are endless stories after school every day, Every night he likes to tell me the stories of his classmates and teachers in their school. This pencil fell off, and that clothes were dirty. Today, the teacher criticized whom. Little mouth seems to have endless words. My daughter is the joy of our family. There are lovely noises in my daughter's classroom.

The baby was in the second grade. On her birthday, she had a request. She said that I was seven years old this year, and I wanted a set of photos of myself. I immediately agreed. The next day, we went to the photo studio to take a set of photos. She was very happy and satisfied. Now my daughter is like an adult. She has her own thoughts on many things. We also try to communicate with her in various ways, so that she can have a happy childhood and grow up happily.

The vicissitudes of life are drinks 2024-05-27 22:50:31
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