
How does AutoCAD change 3D coordinates to 2D coordinates?

Proud snow and setting sun
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How does AutoCAD change 3D coordinates to 2D coordinates?

Operation method

First, click the desktop shortcut to open AutoCAD 2014 - Simplified Chinese software.

Then load the 3D model through the menu bar File Open dialog box.

Then find the location of the [Workspace] option. One is the Workspace drop-down box in the upper left corner.

The other is the [Switch Workspace] button in the lower right corner, and set the workspace as [Sketch and Notes].

Then set View Control in the drawing area to Top View.

Then set the Visual Style Control in the drawing area to Top View.

The final effect of 3D to 2D coordinates is shown in the figure.

Proud snow and setting sun 2024-05-23 19:07:02
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