
Recognition skills of Apple iPhone copycat (high emulator)

Half way guest dream
Favorable reply

Operation method

The first thing to look at is the appearance of the iPhone, no matter what it is. As long as it is imitated, there must be some differences. Some small differences exist. Because its craftsmanship is not as good as the genuine one.

Another point is to look at its internal settings, because generally Apple is an IOS system. Although it is now possible to imitate fake systems, fake systems have many loopholes and can never imitate genuine systems.

Another point is that Apple has an activation code. You can directly use the activation code to check on Apple's official website. If it cannot be activated, it is fake, and you must be alert to unofficial websites.

Also, it depends on the price of Apple. Generally, the price of Apple is almost the same as the official price. So you must be alert when you see very cheap apples.

Half way guest dream 2024-04-15 01:08:49
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