
How to do a good project roadshow?

Fool Old Man
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Project roadshows are enterprise or entrepreneur representatives who explain project attributes, development plans and financing plans to investors on the platform. They are generally divided into online roadshows and offline roadshows. Here we mainly talk about the skills of offline project roadshows.

Operation method

The overall style of PPT should be clear and prominent (1) The style should be clear; (2) No more than three colors; (3) Words are not as good as tables, and tables are not as good as pictures; (4) No more than 12 pages

The logic of PPT content is clear (1) Who are we? (2) How large is the market scale and market demand? (3) Our operation mode; (4) Financing plan

What is the content of the speech? (1) A few words show that you have found gaps or problems (pain points) in the current market. A few words are enough! (2) What solutions do you have, or what products can solve this pain point problem? (3) What users are your products facing?

(4) Your competitiveness. Why can you do this thing but others can't? If you can do anything, why invest in you? What is your core competitiveness? (5) How big is your market? (6) Explain how you make money? If you don't know how to make money, at least let the judges know that your project is valuable. China has more than one billion people. As long as 100 million people feel that your project is valuable, you can make money!

(7) In a few words, tell the judges or investors whether there is anyone else doing this in this market. If so, how are they doing? It's better to do a SWOT of your project. (8) Highlight your own highlights. Explain your strengths and weaknesses. (9) Do financial analysis. Don't talk about how much you can earn in the next three years, but about how much you need in the next six months. (10) Introduce your team.

Memory essentials (5W): who? who are you? What have you and your team done? why? What are the market pain points you found? which? Who are your target customers? What are the differences and advantages? what? How to get the money? Financing plan. where? How big is the plan? Current situation and future.

In a word: what kind of industry have I helped a group of customers solve some of their related problems, and what kind of remuneration have they paid me by solving such problems? This project is long-term effective.

Stage awareness: 1. Be familiar with the stage, remote control and PPT content. 2. Don't dress too "Jobs". 3. Don't speak too fast, and don't have words that disparage competitors. 4. Entrepreneurship is not a joke. Don't be too passionate. What you need is EQ and IQ. 5. Grasp the time, don't talk too much professional language, easy to understand. 6. Tell a really good story. It's not the wolf! 7. Be clear about the purpose and object of the roadshow. Different investors have different concerns. For example, financial investors care about finance and profitability; Industrial capital cares about technology and R&D capability~

Fool Old Man 2024-05-31 10:43:26
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