
How to install a road gate at the entrance of the community

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In and out of the entrance of the community, a gate pole is often seen. How is such a gate installed? The staff will show you the installation process of the gate in the community in detail

Operation method

Before installation, it is preferred to know the length of the gate pole, measure the gate width on the spot and use the measuring ruler. The length of the entrance of the community should be within 600cm to ensure the smooth installation of the gate pole.

Mark the ground of the gate controller, and use a ruler to mark on the ground;

Place the gate machine at the position close to the line, and install the gate lever of the gate controller.

Manually move the gate lever to the horizontal position, and mark the center points of the six fixing screw holes at the bottom of the chassis; Draw 2 spacing lines at the lead hole for connection with cable trunking.

Mark the positions of six screw holes on the ground, and use a hand-held cutting machine and an air cannon to cut the lead slot.

Drill holes on the marked points with a punch drill; At the same time, put in expansion screws to fix the straight bar gate with the ground during installation.

Take out the nut and gasket, align the gate screw hole with the already made expansion screw, and then fix it with the open spanner.

Install the decorative cover and sealing cover of the gate post;

Install the cable inside the gate, and then test the remote controller, mainly to test whether the takeoff and landing are normal;

The installation of gate rod bracket involves the use of tension screws to fix the gate bracket. The effect is shown below.

Finally, the take-off and landing test of the brake rod is carried out, which mainly includes several functions of stopping, falling and lifting. At the same time, clean the site, and complete the installation process of all straight pole road gates.

time brings great changes to the world 2024-05-27 16:20:12
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