
Rebellion conjoined apocalypse

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How can I get stuck in the anti war conjoined apocalypse? Let's have a look with Xiao Bian.

Operation method

What about the anti war happy defense line apocalypse? Many players don't know how many Apocalypses a person can brush at most.

If you have money, you can't draw 2000 yuan. In the early stage, there are three money suckers at the door. If there is a big P, you can press the big P. If there is no big P, there is a 10% chance that a random security trap will come out of the apocalypse. Each person can have up to two apocalypses.

It is said that there can be three apocalypses in a single stroke, and the apocalypse is not in the Z key update, which means that the refresh is unable to brush out apocalypses. According to the official website description, one person has the opportunity to open two apocalypses, but I have also seen someone open five apocalypses. Generally speaking, four apocalypses have no pressure on SSS.

From the exit, a extractor was placed on both sides of the road for a while, and then 2000 gold coins were opened.

Except for the power extractor and the 98, frozen ground fire, and sentinel branches of Ji Q, which are just in the right position, all the others can be dismantled and reopened. Soon, the apocalypse will basically come out, and the ones that can't be refreshed by pressing the Z key will not come out. I haven't met them anyway.

Time passes 2024-06-02 04:14:30
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